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Web www.laurent-duval.eu lcd.siva.free.fr
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Positions (internship, phd thesis, post-doc)

Most recent works

Less novel stuff (all publications)

  • Aurélie Pirayre is awarded the IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) Yves Chauvin price for her PhD thesis on the BRANE power: Gene network inference with graph optimization

    Funded projects, PhD students and collaborations

    Recent work

    Bioinformatics: Gene regulatory network inference (BRANE: Biologically-Related Apriori Network Enhancement) Cyber-physical Systems simulation (CHOPTrey: fast polynomial extrapolation) Geophysics-Seismic: Sparse blind deconvolution with norm ratio (SOOT) Geophysics-Seismic: Adaptive, model-based adaptive multiple reflection filtering (with wavelet frames, adaptive filtering and optimization) Geophysics-Seismic: classification, deep learning Analytical chemistry: trend/baseline and noise removal (BEADS, sparsity and positivity) Analytical chemistry: image registration for comprehensive GCxGC (BARCHAN)

    Special sessions, issues, call for papers

    The Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) journal Geophysics issues a Call for papers around Signal Processing: Taking signal and noise to new dimensions (call for papers) (editors: Mauricio Sacchi, Sergey Fomel, Mostafa Naghizadeh, Laurent Duval).

    ICIP 2014: Special session on Image Processing for Materials Characterization with an introductory overview paper on Image Processing for Materials Characterization: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities


    23/03/2018 (Talk): Pics, ligne de base, bruit : séparation ternaire de sources assistée (BEADS : positivité, parcimonie), spectres chimiques & miscellanées, séminaire at séminaires signal - apprentissage, signal and image processing group at I2M and the Qarma team at LIF, université Aix-Marseille

  • 09/10/2017 (Talk): Retour sur... la ligne de base. BEADS : correction et filtrage conjoints de mesures analytiques exploitant positivité et parcimonie (résumé). Page : BEADS : correction et filtrage conjoints de mesures analytiques exploitant positivité et parcimonie, séminaire at Institut des Sciences Analytiques (ISA), Lyon (thanks to Christophe Morell)
  • 03/07/2017 (PhD defense): Aurélie Pirayre will present, on Monday 3rd July, at 10h30 at ESIEE Paris (2 bd Blaise Pascal, 93162 Noisy-le-Grand), her PhD thesis on the Reconstruction and Clustering with Graph optimization and Priors on Gene networks and Images (IFP Energies nouvelles, université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée), with the attendant slides.
  • 26/04/2017 (Talk): DigiCosme (Digital worlds: distributed data, programs and architectures), workshop Optimizing Real-Time Systems, modelling of continuous and logical time for real-time systems design: 14h30-15h00 : Recent developments for mono- or multirate parallel real-time co-simulation: extrapolation and scheduling for multicore architectures [pdf] - Abir Ben Khaled/Nicolas Pernet (IFPEN)

    Talk: two talks on adaptive filtering in wavelet frames ("Morphing adaptatif de modèles en trames d'ondelettes : application au filtrage de multiples en sismique "), and on directional/geometric wavelet transforms form image processing ("Petite histoire en images des transformées multi-échelle et en ondelettes en deux-dimensions (curvelets, contourlets, shearlets, dual-tree, etc.)") at Séminaire de Vannes du LMBA

    Talk: Un taxi pour Euclide (et non Tobrouk) : déconvolution aveugle parcimonieuse, un algorithme préconditionné avec ratio de normes l1/l2 [abstract+slides+paper], 6 novembre 2014, GdR ISIS : Problèmes inverses ; approches myopes et aveugles, semi- et non-supervisées

    Talk: Suppression de réflexions multiples (échos) par filtrage adaptatif dans des trames d'ondelettes : du basique à l'évolué [abstract+slides+paper 1+paper 2], 18 septembre 2014, séminaire Signal Images, université de Bordeaux

    Talk: Suppression adaptative de réflexions multiples par filtres de Wiener unaires en trame d'ondelettes complexes [abstract+slides+paper 1+paper 2], 25 mars 2014, SIERRA 2014 (presenter's slides), Signal et Images en Région Rhône-Alpes, Saint-Étienne

    Talk: Filtrage adaptatif dans des trames d'ondelettes, application à la suppression d'échos en sismique [abstract+slides+paper 1+paper 2], 18 mars 2014, Université Paris-Nord, journée du pôle Math-STIC, journée images et signaux

    Talk: Petite histoire en images des transformées multi-échelle et en ondelettes en deux-dimensions [abstract+slides+paper], Thursday 09 January, 2014, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble séminaire du département Images et Signal, France