function [fftR,fftAxe] = FFTR(data,timeSamp,fftLength,fftDim); % Computes and displays (default) the one-sided FFT for REAL 'data' % [fftR,fftAxe] = FFTR(data,timeSamp,fftLength,fftDim) % plus the frequency axis, with harmonic amplitude preservation % 'timeSamp' = 1 (default) % 'fftLength' equals data length (default) or specified % length or the next power of two (fftLength = 'n') % 'fftDim' applies the FFT operation across the % dimension DIM. % % Example: % length_Signal = 512; % time = (0:length_Signal-1)'/length_Signal; % time_Sampling = median(diff(time)); % data = cos(64*pi*time); % % figure(1);clf % subplot(2,1,1) % plot(time,data);axis tight;grid on;xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Amplitude (a. u.)'); % subplot(2,1,2);hold on % [fft_R,fft_Axe] = FFTR(data,time_Sampling); % [fft_R_Max,fft_R_Idx] = max(fft_R); % h1 = plot(fft_Axe,fft_R,'x');axis tight;grid on;xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');ylabel('Amplitude (a. u.)'); % h2 = plot(fft_Axe(fft_R_Idx),fft_R(fft_R_Idx),'ro'); % set([h1,h2],'LineWidth',6) % Uses: fft % % Author: Laurent C. Duval % Institution: IFP Energies nouvelles, Technology Department % Website: % Created: 05/07/2002 % Modified: 21/08/2016 % Avoid complex data inputs if ~isreal(data) error('Input data is complex') end if nargin < 4 fftDim = 1; end if nargin < 2 timeSamp = 1; end freqSamp = 1/timeSamp; freqNyq = freqSamp/2; [dataLength,dataNb] = size(data); % Choose FFT length % If not given, simply dataLength, else 'n' for the next % power of two if (nargin < 3) fftLength = dataLength; else if ~isnumeric(fftLength) switch lower(fftLength) case 'n' fftLength = 2^nextpow2(dataLength); otherwise error('Ambiguous ''fftLength'' argument!') end end end nbFreq = ceil((fftLength+1)/2); dataFft = fft(data,fftLength,fftDim); fftR = 2*abs(dataFft(1:nbFreq,:)); % Compensate for DC 2-factor fftR(1,:) = fftR(1,:)/2; % Compensate for last frequency 2-factor if ~rem(fftLength,2), fftR(nbFreq,:) = fftR(nbFreq,:)/2; end % Data length independency in spectrum peak amplitude fftR = fftR/dataLength; fftAxe = (0:nbFreq-1)'*2*freqNyq/fftLength; if nargout == 0 semilogx(fftAxe,20*log10(fftR));axis tight;grid on xlabel('Freq. (Hz)') ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') end